Which Two Northbound Apis Are Found In A Software-Defined Network

Which two northbound apis are found in a software-defined network – Within the realm of Software-Defined Networks (SDNs), the role of northbound APIs emerges as a critical aspect, enabling seamless communication between the SDN controller and external applications. Among the diverse array of northbound APIs available, two stand out as the most prevalent: REST API and NETCONF.

This discourse delves into the functionalities, advantages, and applications of these two prominent northbound APIs within the SDN architecture.

REST API, an acronym for Representational State Transfer, has gained widespread adoption as a northbound API in SDNs due to its simplicity, versatility, and adherence to industry standards. It leverages HTTP methods and JSON data format to facilitate interactions between the SDN controller and external entities.

NETCONF, short for Network Configuration Protocol, is another widely used northbound API specifically designed for managing and configuring network devices. It employs an XML-based data model and provides a rich set of operations for device configuration and management.

Northbound APIs in Software-Defined Networks (SDNs): Which Two Northbound Apis Are Found In A Software-defined Network

Which two northbound apis are found in a software-defined network

Northbound APIs in SDNs enable communication between SDN controllers and external applications or services. They provide a standardized interface for managing and orchestrating SDN networks.

The two most common northbound APIs used in SDNs are:



REST API (Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface) is a lightweight, stateless API that uses HTTP requests and responses to exchange data.

In SDNs, REST APIs allow external applications to:

  • Retrieve network information
  • Configure network devices
  • Control network traffic


NETCONF (Network Configuration Protocol) is a protocol for managing network devices over SSH or TLS.

NETCONF provides a:

  • XML-based data model
  • Set of operations for managing network devices
  • Notification mechanism for network events

OpenFlow and YANG

OpenFlow is a southbound API used for controlling SDN switches.

YANG (Yet Another Next Generation) is a data modeling language used for defining NETCONF operations.

Together, OpenFlow and YANG enable programmability in SDNs by:

  • Allowing external applications to control switch behavior
  • Providing a standardized way to define and manage network devices

Examples and Applications, Which two northbound apis are found in a software-defined network

Northbound APIs are used in various SDN deployments, including:

  • Network management and orchestration
  • Network automation
  • Service provisioning
  • Security management

Benefits of using northbound APIs in SDN management include:

  • Centralized network control
  • Increased network flexibility
  • Improved network performance

Challenges include:

  • Security concerns
  • Performance limitations
  • Lack of standardization

Emerging Trends and Future Directions

Emerging trends in northbound API development for SDNs include:

  • Increased use of microservices
  • Adoption of cloud-native technologies
  • Enhanced security features

Future directions include:

  • Standardization of northbound APIs
  • Integration with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)
  • Development of new northbound APIs for specific SDN use cases

Query Resolution

What is the primary function of northbound APIs in SDNs?

Northbound APIs act as an intermediary between the SDN controller and external applications, enabling communication and management of the SDN infrastructure.

Which two northbound APIs are most commonly used in SDNs?

REST API and NETCONF are the two most prevalent northbound APIs employed in Software-Defined Networks.

What are the key advantages of using REST API as a northbound API?

REST API offers simplicity, versatility, and adherence to industry standards, making it an accessible and widely adopted northbound API.

How does NETCONF differ from REST API in terms of functionality?

NETCONF is specifically designed for managing and configuring network devices, utilizing an XML-based data model and providing a comprehensive set of operations.